First and foremost, thank you for welcoming me to the club.
I live in Endicott, NY with my wife Sarah and my daughter Megan. I’ve taught Automotive Technology in Binghamton, NY for the past 24 years. Prior to that, I was a professional automotive technician.
I am a fairly-new ham. I’ve only been licensed since September of 2022. When I first got into radio, I had no interest at all in Morse code until I stumbled upon one of Thomas Witherspoon’s (K4SWL) YouTube videos, and the rest is history. I started learning CW at the Long Island CW club in November of 2022. I became an instructor there in April of 2023. I started as a Beginners Carousel 1 instructor, and then moved to Intermediate 1. I teach Intermediate 2 at LICW now.
I’m an avid POTA and SOTA activator as well. I have a fairly-successful ham radio YouTube channel where I post all sorts of things from CW POTA and SOTA activations, to gear reviews, to how-to videos etc. I’m also an avid outdoorsman. I enjoy hiking, kayaking, mountain biking, camping, and bushcraft.
This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.