I started learning CW years ago but I was misled and took the wrong way, so I was stuck at very low speed and the lack of advice from an “Elmer” made me to switch to other things. .. until one day that I was luckily invited to belong to a nice group that owns a big antenna farm for contesting (many thanks to EA3CCN, EA3EBN and EA3EZD). There a CW team was created and, surrounded by good operators, I started again, training a lot from LCWO to RufzXP and Morse Runner, and so started in CW contesting.
But there was something missing.. I usually was lost when someone sent something out of the classic contest exchange. Therefore the desire to be able to copy more increased and I started to search ways to learn that thing. First computer programs, then advice from other HAM’s and finally discovering the CW Academy.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the CW Academy and to my advisor Buzz AC6AC, and co-advisors Shirley M0WXG and Rich N4DPM, their support was helpful and much appreciated. Also all the colleagues that I met at the academy that had the patience to listen to my sending … everybody was nice and committed.
So there I am, trying to improve my skills to do less “599 and bye bye” and find hams to ragchew and enjoy the CW mode, the oldest of them, maybe special and maybe a little mysterious.
My working life started by chance as a watchmaker, just at the beginning of electronic watches. I was self-taught in watchmaking and had enough knowledge in electronics so I was at the right moment and at the right spot. After 3 years doing so, I moved to my real profession, as an electronic technician in TV where I spent all my working career.
As for hobbies, I have been keen on mechanics and electronics since childhood and so my workshop has both, one half for mechanics, equipped with lathe, milling machine, etc. and the other half for making electronic circuits and repairing and restoring radio equipment. So a small heaven for me, especially now that I am happily retired.
Well, also waiting for the retirement of my XYL, a bit younger than I, to enjoy travelling abroad ( and maybe doing DXpeditions )
Working only CW mode, cu in the bands.
This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.