In April 2021 your CWops Board has voted to fund a scholarship fund with a grant of $30,000 that will provide an annual scholarship of $1,000 to a qualifying student at an accredited school.
The program will be administered by the ARRL Foundation. Note that a criterion for application is knowing CW; that the scholarship is paid to the school; that the student and school can be anywhere; and that the subject matter is unrestricted. The Fund terms are below.
Endowed through the generosity of CWops, this fund is intended to provide funding for the educational expenses of a licensed Amateur Radio operator who is pursuing higher education.
Requirements :
1. The CWops Scholarship Fund will be administered by the ARRL Foundation.
2. The scholarship is available to any qualified applicant regardless of location or nationality.
3. There are no requirements as to field of study, subject to the requirement of Institution, below.
4. Additional requirements:
a ) institution: Fully accredited educational institution of higher learning, 2-year or 4-year, undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate, or a fully accredited trade, art or professional school at which the recipient intends to be awarded a degree or license in the chosen field of study.
b ) CW Ability: Demonstrated CW operating ability within the last 24 months by providing a copy of a certificate,listing in a magazine showing results or a letter from a person responsible for membership. Examples include but are not limited to the following :
i. ARRL Code Proficiency certificate at 15 wpm or higher;
ii. Successful completion of CWA Basic Level or higher;
iii. Membership in CWops or HSC or other club where some level of CW proficiency is a requirement for membership;
iv. Participation in a CW contest where the results have been published (participation in a multi-op where the station owner provides a letter saying you operated part or all the event operating CW);
v. Operation in a CW traffic net where the net manager provides a letter attesting to the candidate’s on-air participation; or
vi. Achieving any award where all contacts are CW.
5. The ARRL Foundation Scholarship Committee will submit its nomination to the ARRL Foundation Board of Directors to approve by majority vote.
6. The CWops Scholarship will be funded by a contribution of $30,000. The earnings on the endowed scholarship will fund the annual award. Additional funds may be added to the fund. Such additional contributions to the fund must be made by December 31 and will be used to increase subsequent grants.
7. Scholarships are for the exclusive use of the awardee to be applied to tuition, books, fees and other, direct educational expenses.
8. The scholarship award will be $1000 annually with the first scholarship awarded in 2022, unless otherwise decided and agreed upon by the CWops Board and ARRL Foundation.
9. The ARRL Foundation Board of Directors will disperse the scholarship funds to the awardee’s institution.
10. The ARRL Foundation assesses each scholarship fund for annual administrative expenses. The assessment is up to 1.5% of the fund’s balance as of December 31 of the preceding year.
For more information you can visit ARRL Scholarship Program webpage and ARRL Scholarship Description webpage. ( look for “The CWops Scholarship”)