CWops 2025 Hamvention Dinner



This year we return to the Rona Banquet Hall near Xenia, Ohio, for our annual CWops Hamvention dinner extravaganza. For many years we held it at the Spaghetti House in downtown Dayton, but our need for more space necessitated a new approach. The Rona is located at 1043 Rona Parkway Drive, Fairborn, OH 45324, close to the Hope Hotel and Conference Center. It can accommodate 150 people with plenty of parking, and we will have our own caterer. Those who have attended the CWops Hamvention dinner at the Rona before have found it to be nothing short of excellent, and we expect this year it will be even better! Following dinner, we will feature interesting speakers and then, at the end the evening, we will conduct our fabulous door prize presentations, thanks to donations from CWops members, manufacturers and dealers. The CWops Hamvention dinner at the Rona is the CWops social event of the year!


The Rona Banquet hall is ours from 10 a.m. until 11 p.m. on Thursday, May 15. Those of us involved in the setup will be busy Thursday organizing the facility, shopping for beverages, working with the caterer, setting up the door prizes, etc. Our buffet dinner will commence at about 7 p.m. (No alcoholic beverages will be available at the event, though folks may bring their own wine or whatever.). Soft drinks and water will be available with a donation request of $1 each (via a basket that will be placed next to the beverages.)

The cost of the dinner is $45 per person. You may make your reservation by clicking on the payment button below. You will see we are using Stripe rather than PayPal because it is vastly easier, handles credit cards and provides payment tracking. Gerry, W1VE, will maintain the list of attendees. While not preferred, PayPal can be used but please select “family and friends” when making your payment. Send payment to

Here is our buffet dinner menu, which is even more expansive than last year:

Mixed Green Salad w/ Dressings

Chicken Parmesan; Roasted Chicken Breast with Marsala Sauce / Lemon / Caper Piccata Sauce

Vegetable Lasagna; Vegetable Pasta Alfredo; Penne and Meatball Bake

Vegetable Medley; Dinner Rolls and Butter; Assorted Pies

At the dinner we will have a list of those who have paid. There can be no refunds because we will be giving the caterer an attendance number that will be the basis for our club payment.

It is not too early to reserve your spot for the 2025 CWops dinner! See you there!


John Glover, W2QL (#2331)

Jim Talens, N3JT (#1)

CWops 2025 Hamvention Dinner  Payment Button

You can also pay using CWops store page

Click here* to see  real-time status of anyone who has paid for the dinner and will be attending the event. Note : If you paid, but are not on the list, you are still all set.

* Link will be available soon.


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