I’m a recent graduate of the CW Academy Advanced class. I have been an amateur for 56 years, operating CW traffic nets along the way. The experience I gained in Buzz Tarlow’s CWA class significantly improved and refined my CW style and efficiency, as well as exposing me to a new world of friends. I cannot adequately express the pleasure and intensity of Buzz’s class, which was always positive and fun.
I enjoy operating the CWT activities and have made some new friends. Before I got into the CW Academy, I heard the CWTs on the air and was curious about CWops. So, I looked up CWops on the web and found the Academy there.
As I mentioned, I’ve been a ham for over five decades. I’ve operated many emergency communications operations, including deployments to the Caribbean and Florida for Hurricane Andrew in the early 90s. During those operations, we handled most of the traffic on CW before Winlink became practical. I also worked as a liaison with NTS nets between the Northern Florida Section and 4RN and RN5.
When not doing ham radio, I enjoy amateur astronomy, non-fiction reading, and Arkansas’s outdoors. I am privileged to and proud to be in CWops and look forward to meeting you on the air or in person.
This biography is what appeared in Solid Copy when the member joined CWops.