A Simple And Effective Approach To Station Grounding
Every station needs a grounding plan -- here's one approach.
(Author: Jim Talens, N3JT).
Amateur Radio Club
This is an online elmering service for aspiring hams. Their goal is to mentor newly licensed hams by providing follow-up support beyond the license exam to help newbies find their niches in Ham Radio.
Shirts and other items for Dit-Heads
A delightful music video about morse code. Words and music by the late Maurice Durieux, VE2QS, symphony conductor, arranger, and violinist, VE2BR, Noel Marcil. Vocals by Ms. Joyce Hahn.
Cycle 24 Aluminum Tubing
Aluminum tubing and antenna-related products.
Distant Writing
A History of the Telegraph Companies in Britain between 1838 and 1868
A new ham radio callbook server database by Petr (OK2CQR), Dan (OK1HRA), and Margin (OK1RR).
Iambic Keying - Debunking The Myth by Marshall Emm (N1FN)
Iambic or "squeeze" keying is one of the "Great Expectations" in CW operation. Good or Bad idea?
J-38 Keys
More than you ever wanted to know about the
venerable J-38
K9YA Telegraph
The K9YA Telegraph is a free, monthly, general interest amateur radio publication read by hams in more than 100 countries.
Morse Code Ring Tones
Making Morse ring tones for any cell phone that uses .MP3 files
Morse Code Translator
Excellent online CW training resource. Text-To-Morse Code or the reverse. Fun learning tool.
NCCC Sprint (NS)
The Northern California Contest Club sponsors Thursday evening contest practice sessions of 30 minute duration.
PA3WBK's Ultimate Morse Code Website
Collection of links to other CW sites,
including many EU CW clubs.
Submit your favorite photo(s) for a custom QSL card in five easy steps.
Portishead Radio - GKA
Interesting stories & history of coastal
station GKA
Sparks Telegraph Key Review
Info and pictures of old keys. Check out The Virtual Spark Transmitter for a nice explanation of how the
old spark gap transmitters worked.
Steampunk Workshop
This guy builds his own
sounder, then builds an interface to send Morse from an RSS feed coming into
his computer.
Telegraph History
Stories about the men and companies of
the old land line telegraph days.
Telegraph Keys, Clockmaking and Modelmaking - William R. Smith
Restoration of Telegraph Keys
"The Art And Skill Of Radio-Telegraphy"
(William G. Pierpont, N0HFF)
U.S. Early Radio History
Covers from 1830s LL telegraph up to WWII era.
Vibroplex Company
Custom wooden fingerpieces for paddles & bugs. |