As described in detail in the Bylaws, to become a CWops member you must be nominated by a current member and sponsored by three other members who have worked you twice within the previous 12 months.  The nomination process must be completed within a period of five months.

Once you have your sponsors, you will then receive a formal invitation to join, and after registering and paying the annual dues of $12 U.S., you will become a CWops member and receive your membership number.  All of these steps are explained in the Bylaws.

You can always check the CWops Member Roster to see the latest listing of CWops members.  Look for members on the air “on the 8’s,” i.e., x.008, x.018, x.028, x.038, etc.  Feel free to arrange schedules with members you know.


Current members may nominate or sponsor prospective CWops members by going to the "Members Only" page on this website.  Follow the "Nomination Form" link.  You can also track current nominations by following the "Nomination Status Report" in the Members Only area.

Note:  All sponsors must include the reasons for sponsorship, including why the nominee qualifies for membership.  They also must state that they have had CW radio contact with the nominee on at least two occasions within the previous 12 months.


We have set up two methods to pay your annual dues: via PayPal or personal check.  The preferred way is to use PayPal.  The PayPal system takes credit cards if you don't have a PayPal account.

Click here to pay your dues

If you prefer to send a check (US members only), make it payable to "
CWops" and send it to our Treasurer:

Craig Thompson, K9CT
TRIVOLI, IL 61569-9643

If you have questions, please contact Craig via email.

We look forward to welcoming you as a CWops member and joining in the CW fun!
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