QTX Awards

The purpose of the QTX Awards program is to encourage ragchewing and to recognize those members who have demonstrated achievement in engaging in ragchews over the course of a month or the calendar year. THE RAGCHEWS DO NOT HAVE TO BE WITH OTHER CWOPS members. In order to qualify for an award, you do have to be a CWOps member, but the ragchews do not have to be with other members.

Points are based upon the total number of ragchew QSOs. An eligible ragchew is a single QSO that is 20 minutes or longer in duration. Repeat ragchews with the same station on the same band are permitted.
The CWOps recognizes member's efforts in three ways:

QTX Certificates
Upon reaching the 100, 500, and 1000 QTX levels, members can download and fill out one of the certificates below.

QTX Plaque
Every year, CWOps awards a plaque to the member who has the most QTX points.  Members submit their monthly count by the 5th of the next month.  

QTX Achievement Medals
In addition, CWOps awards medals the following achievement levels:

  • Gold Metal - 400 QTX points
  • Silver Metal - 300 QTX points
  • Bronze Metal - 200 QTX points

QTX scores are listed in our newsletter, Solid Copy, every month. To submit your QTX QSOs, go to the QTX page in the Members Only section.

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