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The North American CW Weekend
1-3 June 2018
Fairview Park Marriott
Falls Church Virginia

by Don Lynch, W4ZYT

The 2018 CW Weekend will take place June 1-3 at the Fairview Park Marriott in Falls Church, Virginia.   The weekend is open to all hams or others with an interest in CW or Morse code communication - FOC, CWOPS, SKCC, the Morse Operators Society, and FISTS.  It is predominantly a social event and provides a great opportunity to connect with old friends, make new ones, and enjoy eyeball QSOs with folks you have worked on the bands for years.

We'll begin with an informal pizza dinner on Friday evening, followed by a brunch Saturday morning hosted by Jim N3JT and Nina KE4PSV at their home in McLean.  Dinner will follow that evening at Clyde's in Tyson's Corners.  There will be a hospitality suite with refreshments at the hotel Friday and Saturday evenings.  Sunday morning, many attendees meet informally at the hotel for a leisurely breakfast before heading home or on to other activities.  It is likely Frank, W3LPL, will make a tour of his world class station available to those interested on Sunday afternoon.

Hotel Information (Also see below):

Marriott Fairview Park Hotel, 3111 Fairview Park Dr, Falls Church,
(855) 214-3079 [toll free]
(703) 849-9400 [local]
Online: wasfp-falls-church-marriott-fairview-park
Special Rate of $ 99.00/night - Please specify "North American Weekend"
Hospitality Suite Friday and Saturday

Further details and directions will be forthcoming.  June is a nice time of year to visit the Washington area, and the schedule allows plenty of time for sightseeing, shopping, and socializing, or visiting family and friends. 

There will be a modest registration of $ 15 per person or $ 25 per couple to cover refreshments and the hospitality suite.  Further information is available from Don W4ZYT at

We hope you can join us, and encourage your CW-oriented friends to consider attending as well.

Vy 73, Don W4ZYT and the CW Weekend Crew

Here is the reservation link you can use to make online reservations:
Book your group rate for North American
You will find the information for your online reservation link below. For some guests who would like to make their reservation by phone, the phone number to call is 1-800-228-9290, guests can provide the city, state, and name of the hotel they're staying at, their arrival date, and ask for the "North American room block". If you have any questions or need help with the link, please do not hesitate to ask me. We appreciate your business Jim and we look forward to a successful event!
Ka Ying Wong, Reservations Coordinator
Falls Church Marriott Fairview Park  |  3111 Fairview Park Drive I Falls Church VA 22042
P 703.846.0212 |  F 703.207.1739  |

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