Note: We encourage you to take a few minutes to read this page completely. It contains a lot of important information that we think you'll find worthwhile.
CW Academy is a program put on by the CW Operators' Club aimed at increasing the number of competent CW operators on the HF CW sub-bands. It addresses all levels of enthusiasts: from those aspiring to become licensed operators who want to learn and use Morse code; to veteran operators who are intent on increasing their CW skills, speed and activity.
CW Academy semesters are eight-weeks long and held three times per year (Jan-Feb, Apr-May and Sep-Oct). Twice weekly sessions are held on Mondays and Thursdays, each week, typically starting at 7 PM in PST, CST and EST time zones. Students in MST may be included in PST or CST groups. Students are given daily assignments prior to each meeting, and the twice weekly meetings are held online using Skype group calling (audio/video). During the online meetings students and advisors can all see and hear each other, as well as Morse being sent by any of them. Using Skype creates, in effect, a virtual training room.
Minimum essentials:
- Broadband Internet access
- Computing device (desktop, laptop)
- Webcam (camera, microphone) either built-in or USB add-on
- Keyer paddle (single lever or dual lever)
- Keyer with sidetone or radio with built-in keyer and sidetone
Those who wish to participate will register here by clicking on "SIGN UP AS A CWOPS STUDENT." Please provide all requested information, especially your estimated code speed. If you have not yet learned Morse, then simply put in "0." We use the signup data to organize the upcoming training sessions. Students are organized by levels and time zones.
Students are grouped into one of three levels:
Level 1 (beginners and operators whose code speed is 10 wpm or less; meetings are held online only)
The objectives for Level 1 training are to learn all Morse letters and numbers at a letter speed of 20 wpm and a word speed above 15 wpm; to learn conversational QSO protocols; to be introduced to contest QSOing; and to be introduced to DX pileup best practices.
Level 2 (intermediate, operators who know Morse and can operate comfortably at speeds between 11 and 15 wpm; meetings are held online and on-the-air)
The objectives for Level 2 training are to increase one's speed above 15 wpm through practice with head copying and sending; to hone one's skills in conversational QSOing, contesting and DXing.
Level 3 (advanced, operators who can operate at speeds between 16 and 20 wpm; meetings are held online and on-the-air)
The objectives for Level 3 training are to increase one's speed above 20 wpm through intensive practice with head copying and sending; and to practice advanced skills in contesting and DXing.
Once you have signed up, we will confirm your signup within two days and contact you about a month prior to the beginning of your semester. If you have not received a confirmation message within two days of signing up, please email and let us know. Use the subject "CW ACADEMY" in your email, please.
For All CW Academy Questions Please Contact:
Jerry, AC4BT at